The Power Of Sound: 528 Hz
Can you recall a time when music helped to alter your mood? Maybe you were stressed out so you put on some slow, calming music to ease your mind. Or maybe when you first wake up, you listen to upbeat, funky tunes to help set your intentions for the day. The fact is, music has a profound effect on our being, even at a cellular level.

Feed Your Soul: Summer Solstice
Friday, June 21 marks the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere with the sun rising around 5:30 am and setting just after 9 pm. “Solstice” is derived from the Latin words “sol” meaning sun and “sistere”, meaning to stand still as the sun’s path appears to momentarily stop on this day.

Bathed in Love: sounds soothe the soul
Everything in this Universe vibrates at a frequency; you, me and the trillions of molecules that construct the matter around us. The energy of the Earth vibrates at the frequency of 528hz. This love frequency is thought to resonate at the core of everything; connecting our heart, our spiritual nature, and the divine harmony.

Make The Most of Blue Monday
It makes sense; there aren’t really any holidays on the horizon that we have to look forward to and it’s a quiet time of year, socially. But we want to make January 21, 2019 one of the best days ever. Take that - Blue Monday!

The Importance Of Slowing Down
We’ve talked about the importance of self care and how to incorporate it into your daily routine but, what if we took self care to a whole new level by slowing down and being more present in each moment? Life is precious and we should be enjoying it, not planning it!

The Science of Scent
There’s something in the air! Perfume, a juicy fruit, the new book or new car smell–it’s everywhere. Some scents are so sickly sweet they give you a headache. Some scents make you fall in love.
The science of scent is scientific and emotional. Read on to learn more about scent and how to use it to kick start creativity, shift your mood, or physically relax you.

The Importance of Self Care
We spend so much time running around trying to please others, whether it’s your boss, your SO, your children, or your friends and family. It can be very taxing! When was the last time you took some time to take care of yourself? If you can’t remember, that’s bad news bears.

Ritual Bathing
For centuries, humankind has been transforming the ritual of bathing into a meaningful practice. Ancient Greek and Roman bathhouses combined healing rituals with entertainment, Japan believed the ritual of bathing was a spiritual pursuit of purity. Today, we use water as a healing element synonymous with relaxation; jacuzzis, birthing pools, hot springs baths, and mineral baths are socialized bathing rituals of the 21st century.

How To Care For Your TO112 Candle
No matter which TO112 candle is chosen, you will bring mystery, beauty and sensual quiet to your space, naturally.
Living A Hygge Lifestyle
How to live a happy life? Yoga, meditation, crystal ceremonies, music ... the answers are endless. Who has the secret?

Bathing In Love: Why Our Singing Room Changes the Way Our Products Work
We believe that everything has vibrations. Positive and negative energies are constantly buzzing ...

Why You Should Go Barefoot
If you were told to go barefoot for at least a few minutes daily, how would you respond? The asto...

The Gift of Sound and Water: Why Positivity Infuses Everything We Do
The average human body is made up of 60% water. Why are we reminding you of this? Because we beli...

The Pure Magic of Mother Nature
We responsibly created a brand that not only is kind to you, the user - but also to the environme...

Finding Frequencies: How Solfeggio Frequencies Affect Our Lives - And Why We Use Them
One of the Solfeggio Frequencies that means the most to us is 528 Hz. This sacred frequency activates your imagination, intention, and intuition to operate for your highest and best purpose. More than any sound previously discovered, this frequency of love connects your heart and spirit to the reality of heaven and earth.
In Favour Of Goop And Clean Sleep
Celeb turned lifestyle guru Gwyneth Paltrow, aka Goop, made waves recently when she unveiled her ...
Forest Wisdom And Respecting Mother Earth
We know that communication happens beyond mankind in the animal kingdom, but what about in other ...

The Case Against Anti-Bacterial Soap
We recently read about the Food and Drug Administration in the United States banning 19 (that's right, 19) ingredients that are commonly found in antibacterial soaps.

Scent Resurrected: 4 Reasons to Burn Incense
Long embraced for its physical and psychological benefits in spiritual and religious practices, incense has roots that reach back to antiquity.

FoMO: 5 Science-Backed Reasons to Live Here, Now
Just what we need: another acronym that’s being tossed around like a beach ball on spring break.

How Do You Do?
There was a time in the not-so-distant past when downtime - that is, time for self-reflection or even meditation

A Better Way to Breathe
As detailed in his book, Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement, Tony Robbins was once struck by the relatively low statistics of athletes getting cancer (in comparison to the average american).

Reading the Signs
Do you believe in 'signs from the universe', or are such occurrences simply a coincidence?

Good Vibrations
Quantum physics is a rather vast and complicated field, but it can be simplified down to this universal truth

Shower Zen
t has been long believed that water possesses the incredible power of absorbing and transmitting information/ emotion.

Keeping Your Body in Harmony
What is illness? “Emotional issues that are unresolved block the healing vibrations or cause the disease state to return.”

Incense: A Brief history
The word incense is derived from the latin word 'incendere', which translates as "to burn".