Reading the Signs

Do you believe in 'signs from the universe', or are such occurrences simply a coincidence?
This is one perspective:
In general, warning signs from the universe occur in the form of unwanted circumstances and events. These signs are an indication that your energy is headed towards (or currently stuck in) a low vibrational frequency. Your thoughts, feelings and actions are focused negatively, and this is creating unwanted circumstances.
Conversely, when your thoughts, feelings and actions are moving at a high vibrational frequency, life will line up perfectly. You will have excellent timing and good luck all day long.
Life and the universe have a funny way of bringing us to the exact people, places, circumstances and messages that our souls are calling for at the right time. This phenomenon of seemingly meaningful coicindences is called "synchronicity". It's like a wink from the cosmos, a nudge from above to let us know that we're on the right path.
Excerpt from "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire" by Deepak Chopra
When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meanings, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities. This is when the magic begins. This is a state I call synchrodestiny, in which it becomes possible to achieve the spontaneous fulfillment of our every desire. Synchrodestiny requires gaining access to a place deep within yourself, while at the same time awakening to the intricate dance of coincidences out in the physical world.
When a coincidence arises, don’t ignore it. Ask yourself, what is the message here? What is the significance of this? You don’t need to go digging for the answers. Ask the question, and the answers will emerge. They may arrive as a sudden insight, a spontaneous creative experience, or they may be something very different. perhaps you will meet a person who is somehow related to the coincidence that occurred. An encounter, a relationship, a chance meeting, a situation, a circumstance will immediately give you a clue to its meaning. “Oh, so that’s what it was all about!”
The key is to pay attention and inquire.
This is one perspective:
In general, warning signs from the universe occur in the form of unwanted circumstances and events. These signs are an indication that your energy is headed towards (or currently stuck in) a low vibrational frequency. Your thoughts, feelings and actions are focused negatively, and this is creating unwanted circumstances.
Conversely, when your thoughts, feelings and actions are moving at a high vibrational frequency, life will line up perfectly. You will have excellent timing and good luck all day long.
Life and the universe have a funny way of bringing us to the exact people, places, circumstances and messages that our souls are calling for at the right time. This phenomenon of seemingly meaningful coicindences is called "synchronicity". It's like a wink from the cosmos, a nudge from above to let us know that we're on the right path.
Excerpt from "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire" by Deepak Chopra
When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meanings, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities. This is when the magic begins. This is a state I call synchrodestiny, in which it becomes possible to achieve the spontaneous fulfillment of our every desire. Synchrodestiny requires gaining access to a place deep within yourself, while at the same time awakening to the intricate dance of coincidences out in the physical world.
When a coincidence arises, don’t ignore it. Ask yourself, what is the message here? What is the significance of this? You don’t need to go digging for the answers. Ask the question, and the answers will emerge. They may arrive as a sudden insight, a spontaneous creative experience, or they may be something very different. perhaps you will meet a person who is somehow related to the coincidence that occurred. An encounter, a relationship, a chance meeting, a situation, a circumstance will immediately give you a clue to its meaning. “Oh, so that’s what it was all about!”
The key is to pay attention and inquire.