Feed Your Soul: Summer Solstice
Friday, June 21 marks the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere with the sun rising around 5:30 am and setting just after 9 pm. “Solstice” is derived from the Latin words “sol” meaning sun and “sistere”, meaning to stand still as the sun’s path appears to momentarily stop on this day.

Winter Waves: How to Prevent that Winter Wilt
Naturally curly and wavy gals (and guys) may be more affected by winter weather, especially when considering curl patterns. Protect your curls by practicing some winter-proofing tips and avoid some easy mistakes.

Ritual Bathing
For centuries, humankind has been transforming the ritual of bathing into a meaningful practice. Ancient Greek and Roman bathhouses combined healing rituals with entertainment, Japan believed the ritual of bathing was a spiritual pursuit of purity. Today, we use water as a healing element synonymous with relaxation; jacuzzis, birthing pools, hot springs baths, and mineral baths are socialized bathing rituals of the 21st century.

How To Protect Your Hair From Sun Damage
Taking steps to protect your skin in the summer months is a no-brainer. But what your hair? Prolonged sun exposure can cause UV damage to hair cuticles.
The good news is that there are precautions you can take to protect your hair from the summer sun. TO112's Console Hair Cream is the crème de la crème of summer sun hair protection.

Free From: SLS, DEA, Parabens
Do you ever stop to think about how many chemicals you’re exposing your body to on a regular basis? When it comes to beauty, don’t take unnecessary risks. Learn more about SLS, DEA, Parabens and why, as a consumer, we should be working to avoid these chemicals.

How To: Grow Long, Healthy Hair
Dreaming of that long, beachy hair this summer? We sat down with Medulla & Co hair professionals to give you 6 tips if you’re looking to grow long, luscious hair and fast!

TO112 Is Cruelty-Free: A Bit About Leaping Bunny
TO112 is proudly cruelty free and often promotes being Leaping Bunny certified - but what exactly does that mean? In short, the Leaping Bunny Program is a certification program that expects companies to prove that they and their suppliers do not conduct animal testing.
Living A Hygge Lifestyle
How to live a happy life? Yoga, meditation, crystal ceremonies, music ... the answers are endless. Who has the secret?

Why You Should Go Barefoot
If you were told to go barefoot for at least a few minutes daily, how would you respond? The asto...
In Favour Of Goop And Clean Sleep
Celeb turned lifestyle guru Gwyneth Paltrow, aka Goop, made waves recently when she unveiled her ...

Media Placement: Reader's Digest
Hair often gets overlook during the daily and nightly rituals of skin care. We all know the impor...

Media Placement: Bustle
It's the most wonderful time of the year ... especially for those with a keen eye for a sale! On ...

The Case Against Anti-Bacterial Soap
We recently read about the Food and Drug Administration in the United States banning 19 (that's right, 19) ingredients that are commonly found in antibacterial soaps.